Philander Smith College Library
Little Rock, AR

The library's grand entrance is adorned with a stately colonnade, crowned by a cupola reflecting the college's religious heritage through the incorporation of the Christian cross. Beyond this facade lies a magnificent two-story rotunda, where a captivating fabric sculpture, commissioned by a renowned African-American artist, hangs suspended. This sculpture forms part of a prestigious $400,000 collection celebrating African-American artistic expression. Boasting a remarkable capacity of 154,896 volumes, a significant increase from its predecessor's 46,405 volumes, the library serves as the cornerstone of knowledge on campus. Alongside the library, the facility houses an archival center, an African-American book collection, spaces for teacher education and children's literature, a faculty development center, and cutting-edge amenities like a computerized music listening lab and music writing carrels. Numerous group study rooms provide students with collaborative spaces conducive to learning. Despite its complexity, the building design adeptly navigates the challenges of planning and execution, offering both a visually striking gateway to the campus and a practical facility that operates efficiently within resource constraints for maintenance and staffing.